Details in General

Name: Meowth

Type: Normal type Pokemon animation

No: #52

Japanese Name: Nyaasu

Voice: Adam Blaustein

Japanese Voice: Inuko Inuyama 

Age: 4

Gender : Male

Height: 1'7"

Weight: 9lbs

Attacks: Payday, Bite, and Scratch

Evolution: Persian

Click here to access info on Persian


Meowth's Life Story

Meowth, is a pokemon that can talk in english allowing him to boss around members of Team Rocket Jessie and James. He is the only pokemon in the series that can talk english. Meowth's name comes from his cat-like appearance -- the noise a cat makes is often described as a "meow". His Japanese name, Nyaasu, is from the Japanese word for a cat's cry -- "nya". Some say that one version of his name, Nyarth, is a combination of "nya" and "mouth", literally meaning "cat-like mouth" because of his propensity to talk non-stop.  He is an elite pokemon member of Team Rocket.  In the episode Go West Young Meowth, as a kitten he was left abandoned as a street kitty.  He learnt to become streetwise and headed to West Hollywood to live.  Here he joined a gand of meowth's all under the leardership of a Persian, Meowths evolved form.  The gang took legs of chicken from a mans shop in order to survive on the streets.  Meowth would then teach himself to talk after he fell in love with Meowthsy a posh girl Meowth.  She rejected him constantly saying he was not human enough.  Because of Meowths love for Meowthsy he taught himself to walk, read and talk.  Walking would leave him with bruises after getting hit running away with stolen chicken from the mans shop.  He didn't care he loved meowthsy and thats all that mattered.  He wanted to prove to her how human he really was.  One day Meowthsy was chucked out onto the streets because her owner went bankrupt.  When Meowthsy saw Meowth she now thought of him as a walking talking freak.  She joined the gang of Meowths in order to survive.  Meowth out of his love for Meowthsy fought against the Persian leader and won.  Disheartened at the rejection of Meowthsy accepting the Persian as her only true love, who took her in Meowth would later join as Giovanni the Team Rocket Leaders top cat.  Things would soon change as Persian then became Giovanni's Top Cat.  Meowth would join the seamingly dropkick members of Team Rocket Jessie and James.  Members who do better being good then always trying to do wrong as required.    Jesse and James can either dislike him or loves him to bits.  Most of the time they dislike Meowth, due to his bossiness and laziness. He can be stealth and aggressive. But the aggressiveness may not be a good characteristic, as it usually results in incomplete plans, which then results in failure.  He is sly, ambitious, loudmouthed and crafty but hastiness also helps see to it that his clever plans always fail.


Meowth trying to impress Meowsy!


James and Jessie

Click here for info, pictures and sounds on all Team Rocket members!


